Lean 6 Sigma: ¿Cómo funciona esta metodología ? - Arrizabalaga Consulting 4.0 Agile (2024)

Lean Six Sigma es un método que se basa en un esfuerzo de equipo colaborativo para mejorar el rendimiento al eliminar sistemáticamente el desperdicio y reducir la variación

Desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial,Japónexperimentó un boom en cuanto a crecimiento económico. La producción nipona superaba a veces la calidad de procesos norteamericanos. A partir de entonces, las empresas estadounidenses empezaron a trabajar en las diferentes técnicas y los distintos métodos utilizados en el país del sol naciente.

El método Lean Six Sigma, formado por un conjunto de herramientas estadísticas, fue desarrollado por Motorola en 1986. La tecnológica estadounidense se basó en el modeloKaizenjaponés cuyo objetivo principal es la mejora continua de procesos.

Lean Six Sigmatiene sus antecedentes el modelo Six Sigma desarrollado por Motorola a finales de la década de los ochenta. ¿Cuál era su propósito? La necesidad de igualar o superar a sus competidores japoneses.Bill Smith, el ingeniero responsable de su creación, desarrolló esta metodología como una estrategia de negocios y mejora de la calidad y, posteriormente, lo mejoró y popularizó General Electric.

A pesar de que el concepto nació en el seno del sector industrial, hoy muchos de sus instrumentos se aplican al sector servicios. Así, se emplea en todo el mundo por empresas que buscan una filosofía de actuación para ocupar niveles de liderazgo en su sector. Lean y Six Sigma comparten objetivos. Ambos proponen mejorar la gestión y los procesos de una empresa. Sin embargo, Lean se enfoca más en la velocidad de los procesos; mientras que Six Sigma se centra en aumentar la calidad.

Lean Six Sigmaes una metodología orientada para la mejora de procesos, con el propósito de aumentar la rentabilidad y productividad de los mismos. Se orienta a optimizar procesos donde el trabajo de las personas se ve involucrado.

Así como elLean Manufacturingse centra más en la optimización de los procesos que tienen que ver con el producto, cantidades de productos, calidad del mismo, maquinaria y demás elementos que afectan a la mejora continua de la producción en sí del producto. En Lean Six Sigma, el objetivo son las personas y los procesos de trabajo que ellas crean como reuniones, documentación, especificaciones, tiempos de actuación, etc.

¿En qué consiste el Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigmaes una metodología cuyo objetivo es mejorar los procesos, con el propósito de incrementar la rentabilidad y productividad de estos.

El proyecto Six Sigma busca reducir la variabilidad de los procesos. Para ello,emplea una serie de herramientas estadísticas. Así, da prioridad a los requisitos del cliente. Según su filosofía, todo proceso se ha de ajustar a dichos requerimientos. Si no lo hace, son fallos que pulir.

De este modo, la metodología de Lean Six Sigma se concreta en eliminar los aspectos que impidan o dificulten el ajuste del producto a los requisitos del cliente. Reduce, así, sus defectos en la entrega final.

¿Qué características tiene Six Sigma?

Lo más destacado es:

  • Se implementa una estructura de entrenamiento.
  • El enfoque que se aplica es proactivo.
  • Se emplea una metodología estructurada con diversos instrumentos.
  • Se enfoca mediante variables clave dentro de un proceso.
  • La máxima es trabajar con características críticas de la calidad.
  • La calidad se obtiene en proceso y no en inspecciones.
  • Las salidas del proceso dependen de las entradas.


Toyota Production SystemoToyota Six Sigmaes un conjunto de técnicas basadas enJidoka, cuyo significado es «automatización de procesos con un toque humano». Se trata de un sistema integral de producción con unos objetivos principales: reducción de inventarios y defectos en la producción de automóviles. De hecho, su primera denominación fueProducción Just-in-time.

Fue desarrollado por el fundador de Toyota,Sakichi Toyoda, su hijoKiichiroy el ingenieroTaiichi Ohno, entre 1946 y 1975. Ohno es autor del libroToyota Production System: Beyond Large-scale Production,publicado en 1995.

Toyota Production System consiste en producir sólo lo necesario en el momento justo y bajo los requerimientos del cliente. Lo que permitió que se empezara a desarrollar un sistema de producción y distribución flexible que aseguraba que cada comprador tuviera su vehículo con las especificaciones solicitadas dentro del mínimo plazo posible.

Este sistema de producción también se le conoce comoOne Piece Flowo flujo de una sola pieza, basado en los principios de Just In Time. Se trata de la producción de forma lineal y continúa, en la cual cada área de trabajo se especializa en una actividad en particular y provee las piezas, de una en una, a la siguiente estación.

Relación entre Six Sigma y Lean Manufacturing

Son dos metodologías complementarias, aunque tengan diferencias. A través deLean Manufacturing, y el personal de soporte, con sus correspondientes reuniones diarias, hace que la comunicación fluya de manera ascendente.

En este sentido, el empoderamiento de los operarios facilita la implementación de proyectos Seis Sigma. Estos proyectos son técnicos y se enfocan a la resolución de problemas complejos que necesiten de personal pluridisciplinar y de coordinación interdepartamental.

¿Cómo funciona el Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma emplea la metodología Six Sigma y una conjugación de herramientas Lean y estadísticas.

El método D-MAIC

El acrónimo DMIAC (definir, medir, analizar, mejorar y controlar) marca el rumbo del funcionamiento del método. Con esta sucesión de pasos se consigue una mejora:

1. Definir:

El problema, el valor para el cliente, el equipo y el proyecto. Así, se trata de encontrar el problema o defecto concreto y validarlo al tiempo que se definen los participantes del programa y del plan.

2. Medir:

Hace alusión al rendimiento y responde a la pregunta de qué se necesita para mejorar. Consiste en mapear el proceso y determinar la fiabilidad de los datos. Se quiere encontrar una solución de mejora sostenible.

3. Analizar:

Identificar fuentes de variación y causas raíz. Se centra en los procesos y los factores de influencia. El objetivo es poder cambiar las causas raices.

4. Mejorar:

Se trata de hacer cambios para incrementar el performance, output o rendimiento.

5. Controlar:

Se asegura de establecer controles para el mantenimiento de las mejoras realizadas. Se deben tomar las medidas imprescindibles para garantizar la continuidad de la mejora. De esta forma, se valora tanto la satisfacción del cliente como la parte económico en cuanto a la eficiencia.

De esta manera, Lean Six Sigma es una filosofía poderosa, una metodología y un conjunto de herramientas. Integra el conocimiento de alto valor generado en la historia de la mejora. Esto lo convierte en un sistema eficiente y simple.

La metodología puede proporcionar una ventaja competitiva y se está transformando en uno de los indicadores y estrategias más importantes para las empresas, que están consiguiendo avances.

El objetivo primordial del método Lean Six Sigma es suprimir todos los aspectos que impidan o dificulten que el producto no se ajuste a los requerimientos del cliente. Reduce, por ello, los defectos en la entrega final.

Los desperdicios que trata de eliminar son:

  • Talento no empleado.
  • Defectos.
  • Sobreproducción.
  • Esperas.
  • Transportes no necesarios.
  • Inventario.
  • Movilidad innecesaria.

Mapa de Flujo de Valor o Lean Value Stream Mapping

También conocido comoMapa de Flujo de Valor, el Lean Value Stream Mapping es una herramienta del método Lean que analiza flujo de información y materiales dentro de un proceso de producción. Con el propósito de entregar al cliente el producto requerido.

El conocido por Mapa de Flujo de Valor es un instrumento del sistema Lean que examina flujo de información y materiales en el seno de un proceso de producción. Su objetivo es brindar al cliente el producto que requiere.

A continuación, se desvelan las acciones del Value Stream Mapping:

  1. Dibuja elmapa de flujode valor de tal manera que se identifica cada etapa del proceso de producción del producto.
  2. Dentro de cada etapa,identificaesperas e información requerida para la entrega del producto.
  3. Identifica desperdicios o todo lo que no aporta valor para el cliente. Losdesperdiciosque trata de eliminar son los nombrados anteriormente.
  4. Grafica el mapa de flujo de valor sin losproductosidentificados.
  5. Implementalas acciones para la mejora del proceso, con el objetivo de llegar al mapa definido sin los desperdicios.
Lean 6 Sigma: ¿Cómo funciona esta metodología ? - Arrizabalaga Consulting 4.0 Agile (1)

Esta herramienta se puede emplear para desarrollar una ventaja competitiva y evitar fallos en el proceso. Además, idea una lengua estandarizada dentro de la compañía para una mejor eficacia de los procesos y de los empleados.

Por este motivo, se podrán enfocar los esfuerzos en los procesos en los que se produzcan más fallos o, simplemente, aporten más valor a la producción.

Es la técnica de elaborar un mapa de flujo o diagrama mostrando cómo los recursos y la información disponible fluyen a través del proceso con outputs e inputs.

Los beneficios serian:, ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de Lean Six Sigma?

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma es una metodología de mejora de procesos que combina dos técnicas:Lean Manufacturing, que es una “colección” de herramientas que disminuyen el tiempo que se necesita para entregar un producto o servicio ySix Sigma, que es una herramienta que mejora la calidad de los productos o servicios. Lean Six Sigma contribuye sustancialmente en la mejora de la satisfacción de los clientes.

Las grandes compañías a nivel mundial han adoptado a Lean Six Sigma como parte de su estrategia, para generar nuevos caminos orientados a la excelencia operativa. Lean Six Sigma es una metodología de rendimiento comprobada que ofrece la manera más eficaz para desarrollar el diseño y gestión de la excelencia operativa.

Los principales Beneficios de Lean Six Sigma:

1. Incremento de las Utilidades

Se incrementan las utilidades reduciendo los costos del proceso, sin aumentar el precio del producto o servicio (enfoque lean).

2. Incremento de Producción

Lean Six Sigma permite incrementar la producción de la empresa reduciendo los tiempos que no generan valor agregado (tiempos de cambio, paradas de máquina, problemas de calidad, entre otros).

3. Aprovechamiento del talento de las personas en la Organización

Es el 8ª desperdicio y el más importante de una organización, y nuestro mejor capital en las organizaciones, que pueden ser nuestros mejores embajadores e impulsar el marketing interno de nuestra marca (branding) como compañía. Ya sabes, cuida bien a tus empleados, que ellos cuidaran de tus clientes. Lo primero no son los clientes, sino los empleados

4.- La mejor preparación para el mapa de ruta de la transformación digital

Como antesala de definir el mapa de ruta de la industria 4.0, debes conocer tus procesos perfectamente y que mejor que llevar 10-15 años de experiencia con el Lena Sigma. Es la mayor garantia del éxito en la transformación digital de tu organización

5.- La mejor preparación para los entornos VUCA

Indudablemente el Lean sigma es la mejor preparación y campo de entrenamiento para un entorno como el que estamos viviendo llamado VUCA o VICA en castellano: Volátil – Incierto – Complejo – Ambiguo

Lean 6 Sigma: ¿Cómo funciona esta metodología ?

Lean 6 Sigma: ¿Cómo funciona esta metodología ? - Arrizabalaga Consulting 4.0 Agile (2024)


What methodology is used in Lean Six Sigma? ›

Although what is Six Sigma uses various methods to discover deviations and solve problems, the DMAIC is the standard methodology used by Six Sigma practitioners. Six Sigma uses a data-driven management process used for optimizing and improving business processes.

Are Lean and Six Sigma the same methodology? ›

The primary difference between Lean and Six Sigma is that Lean is less focused entirely on manufacturing, but often shapes every facet of a business. Lean Six Sigma combines these two approaches, which creates a powerful toolkit for addressing waste reduction.

Is Lean Six Sigma a framework? ›

A Lean Six Sigma modified framework has been deployed with DMAIC to reduce the defect rate and increase the production rate. Various tools like value stream mapping, brainstorming, Pareto charts, 5S, kanban, etc. have been used at different phases of DMAIC targeting wastes and inventory in the production line.

What is the difference between Lean Six Sigma and DMAIC? ›

Six Sigma identifies and reduces variability, improving overall quality. LSS can reduce your costs and help you retain and even gain more customers. LSS prescribes an improvement process known as DMAIC (Define—Measure—Analyze—Improve—Control). However, its application is limited to improving existing processes.

Is Six Sigma an agile methodology? ›

Six Sigma offers agile teams the roadmap (DMAIC), approach and techniques, which can help them effectively define and work on the problems and issues affecting their quality and performance.

What is Lean Six Sigma in simple words? ›

Lean Six Sigma is a management approach and method that endeavors to eliminate any wasteful use of resources plus defects in production processes so as to improve employee and company performance.

Are Six Sigma certifications worth it? ›

A Six Sigma Certification can help you break into new fields by providing you an advantage over your competitors. A Six Sigma Green Belt qualification, for example, can lead to lucrative work opportunities as a process engineer, data scientist, consultant, business analyst, project manager, and so on.

What is the difference between agile and Six Sigma? ›

Six Sigma focuses on process control and standardization through reduction of defects and variation. Agile focuses on flexibility to change and incremental delivery. Rigorous documentation and planning is required in Six Sigma, while Agile emphasizes responding to change, team interaction and customer collaboration.

What is the difference between Lean and agile? ›

The difference is that in Lean thinking, teams increase speed by managing flow (usually by limiting work-in-process), whereas in Agile, teams emphasize small batch sizes to deliver quickly (often in sprints).

How long does it take to get Lean Six Sigma certification? ›

It takes 10 weeks to complete the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Online Certification course, 8 weeks for the Lean Principles course, and 16 weeks for the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt course. The Six Sigma Green Belt Refresher course must be completed within a 6-month window.

Which comes first Lean or Six Sigma? ›

“Which one should we do first, Lean or Six Sigma?” A sensible approach is to first use Lean tools to eliminate the non-value-added steps, and then use Six Sigma to reduce variation in the remaining value-added steps.

What is the purpose of Lean Six Sigma? ›

The primary aim of the Lean method is to reduce waste. The goal of Six Sigma is to reduce variation for optimal quality control. The discipline known as Lean Six Sigma (LSS) blends these two approaches.

Which certification is best Lean Six Sigma or Six Sigma? ›

Six Sigma is a better choice if your organization is looking to reduce variability and risk in a more complex environment. Lean might be the perfect fit for your organization if your organization requires a simple, ongoing methodology to direct innovation and improvement.

Which is better 4 sigma or 6 sigma? ›

The more number of standard deviations between process average and acceptable process limits fits, the less likely that the process performs beyond the acceptable process limits, and it causes a defect. This is the reason why a 6σ (Six Sigma) process performs better than 1σ, 2σ, 3σ, 4σ, 5σ processes.

When to choose Lean vs Six Sigma? ›

If your organization is looking for a lightweight, continuous methodology to guide innovation and improvement, Lean might be an ideal fit. If you're looking to reduce variability and risk in a more complex environment, Six Sigma might be better suited for your needs.

Is lean part of agile methodology? ›

Lean agile is an agile methodology that, in basic terms, is quite simple: improve efficiency by eliminating waste. Unlike traditional, waterfall project management, which dictates a set plan laid out by a project manager, lean agile strives to reduce all tasks and activities that don't provide real value.

Is agile a model or methodology? ›

Agile isn't defined by a set of ceremonies or specific development techniques. Rather, agile is a group of methodologies that demonstrate a commitment to tight feedback cycles and continuous improvement.

Is agile a tool or methodology? ›

Agile is an iterative software development methodology that helps developers create and deliver applications more quickly and efficiently. It is based on the principles of collaboration, customer feedback, and the “three C's” – card, conversation, and confirmation.

What is the best way to learn Six Sigma? ›

If you are wondering how to get six sigma certification, the best way to get it is by enrolling in a reliable training course. You can enroll in physical classrooms or online six sigma courses, depending on your requirements. There is no formal body that offers training related to the field.

Can you explain Six Sigma? ›

What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a method that provides organizations tools to improve the capability of their business processes. This increase in performance and decrease in process variation helps lead to defect reduction and improvement in profits, employee morale, and quality of products or services.

What is an example of a Six Sigma project? ›

Cycle time to manufacture solar cells in a research lab. Defects in the manufacturing of natural gas dehydrators. Number of weld repairs in pipeline construction projects. IT system downtime for an accounting firm.

Does Six Sigma certification increase salary? ›

Whether you're looking to switch careers or advance in your current role, certification as a Six Sigma professional will make you more marketable and open up new opportunities for advancement. Most importantly, certification will help you increase your pay.

Is it hard to learn Six Sigma? ›

The Six Sigma Black Belt Certification exam is hard to crack but not impossible. Most applicants fail a few times before they're able to clear it. You need to set aside dedicated time, and also make the most out of your study experience.

Which Lean certification is best? ›

What is the best certification for a lean manufacturing manager? The Six Sigma Black Belt certification is most common among lean manufacturing managers. This certification is awarded by the International Association of Six Sigma Certification.

Is Six Sigma the same as project management? ›

A certified Six Sigma professional aims to reduce wasted time, effort and money on a specific process, while a PMP® certified professional focuses on how to plan and execute a project. Six Sigma projects have a continuous control phase, while project management focuses on completing a project by a specific deadline.

Is Agile better than scrum? ›

Scrum is a more rigid method with less flexibility for change, and it's ideal for those who need to produce results as quickly as possible. Agile is more suited for smaller teams and for those who prefer a more straightforward design and execution, while Scrum is used more for creative and experimental approaches.

Is Six Sigma still relevant? ›

In reality, lean six sigma remains a powerful tool for continuous improvement especially when combined with other enabling solutions such as agile, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence.

Can agile and Lean work together? ›

Both lean management and agile provide team models, ways of working, and toolkits that can be deployed in any way that makes the most sense for an organization (Exhibit 2). The fact that the two systems build on the same foundational beliefs makes their elements highly complementary.

Is Lean the same as Scrum? ›

Lean is all about optimizing your ongoing processes and reducing waste. You will improve the value to your customers by delivering a product faster and cheaper. Scrum is a shorter, more adaptive Agile approach for planning and production. You closely collaborate with customers and internal users and work in sprints.

What do Lean and agile have in common? ›

Lean-agile methodologies both focus on customer value

Yes, there was money and time involved as well, but both lean and agile methodologies were created to make clients happy with the product, as well as the process easier for the team members. Notice that both serve to offer a better and faster service.

Is Lean Six Sigma exam easy? ›

The difficulty level depends significantly on what level of Six Sigma certification you're trying to gain. For example, the Six Sigma White Belt is an entry-level certification and very easy to obtain. You can complete the training and certification exam in less than 30 minutes, even if you have no prior training.

What is the pass rate for Lean Six Sigma? ›

Q What is your pass rate for Lean Six Sigma Certification exams ? The range of pass rates for Lean Six Sigma Certification exams ranges from 70% % to 100 % depending on country, company, industry and experience of the class. This is a wide range.

How many hours does Lean Six Sigma take? ›

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification is purely online and led by an instructor. The courses take 10 weeks to finish and the candidates require dedicating around 45 hours to study.

What is Six Sigma beginner level? ›

We'll first begin by explaining the White Belt. This is the first level of the Six Sigma Certification process. You start at the ground level by solving problems at a local level. White Belts will connect with higher-tier individuals such as those professionals with a Green or Black belt to solve each problem.

Which Six Sigma should I start with? ›

Yellow Belt: Serves as a basic introduction to Lean Six Sigma for those new to the domain. Green Belt: Intermediate program that prepares you to work on process improvement projects within a company. Black Belt: Advanced program that prepares you to manage and lead project teams.

How many belts are in Lean Six Sigma? ›

In the Lean Six Sigma hierarchy, there are 5 belt levels and one other crucial role that we will outline below.

Why Lean Six Sigma is successful? ›

Lean Six Sigma helps companies succeed by streamlining processes, reducing costs, and improving customer satisfaction. By eliminating wasteful activities, companies can become more efficient and use their resources more effectively.

Who benefits from Lean Six Sigma? ›

Lean Six Sigma drives results for all businesses—the same success achieved by large businesses can be achieved in small and medium businesses. The only difference is that smaller organizations have the advantage of moving faster with less people, fewer resources and lower levels of red tape to clear away.

What are the top benefits of Lean Six Sigma? ›

Six Benefits of Six Sigma
  • You will decrease waste. Six Sigma ideology is aimed to help you and your company optimize processes to decrease your total waste. ...
  • You will increase efficiency. ...
  • You will reduce errors. ...
  • You will reduce your company's legal risk. ...
  • You can apply it to any industry. ...
  • You will make more money.

What is the highest Six Sigma certification? ›

Six Sigma Master Black Belt

This is the highest level of Six Sigma achievement. At this level, you will shape strategy, develop key metrics, act as a consultant, and coach black and green belts.

What is the very highest certification in Six Sigma? ›

Get to know each of the rankings so you can build skills that will help your company function more smoothly and advance your career.
  • White Belt. ...
  • Yellow Belt. ...
  • Green Belt. ...
  • Black Belt. ...
  • Master Black Belt. ...
  • Champion.
May 1, 2021

How much does Lean certification cost? ›

Primary Certifications:

Yellow Belt: $99.00. Green Belt: $159.00. Black Belt: $229.00.

Why can Six Sigma fail? ›

Almost invariably, the failure of any Lean Six Sigma project can be traced to a scope that was too broad. Trying to minimize variation in an entire product, for example, is so defocused that little improvement can happen in any part of the product.

What is a good Six Sigma score? ›

A level of 6-sigma represents a high level of quality, with 3.4 defects per million opportunities. It is this sigma level that leads to the term Six Sigma, which is a philosophy of delivering near perfect products or services by eliminating variabilities that lead to defects.

Do I need yellow belt before green belt Six Sigma? ›

Do I need to complete the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt course before the Green Belt course? No. The Yellow Belt course is not a pre-requisite for the Green Belt course. It is intended to provide front-line staff, shop floor operators, etc.

How do I choose my Sigma level? ›

The to 4 steps to reach Sigma level!
  1. Raise the number of defect opportunities (ON) per unit. ...
  2. Collect process samples and count the total number of defects (DN) found. ...
  3. Calculate the number of defects per million opportunities (DPMO) ...
  4. Convert DPMO to level Sigma.

When should you not use Lean? ›

In Lean all activities of the team are based on communication. Two teams that work in different offices can hardly communicate effectively. Hence, it is better not to use Lean if your project is too complex.

What is the main difference between Six Sigma and any other methodology? ›

Lean manufacturing is a systematic way of eliminating waste and creating flow in the production process, while Six Sigma is a set of techniques that strive to greatly reduce the rate of defects. Every business has areas that need improvement and sometimes it can be hard to know where to start.

Does a true Lean operation does not need or use Six Sigma? ›

While it may be desirable to use both Lean and Six Sigma, they are separate issues. An operation can be Lean and still have an unacceptable level of variation in the output. It can also have the variation under control and not be Lean. The two are complimentary, but neither is dependent on the other.

Is Lean Six Sigma course hard? ›

For example, the Six Sigma White Belt is an entry-level certification and very easy to obtain. You can complete the training and certification exam in less than 30 minutes, even if you have no prior training. The Six Sigma Black Belt however, can be quite challenging.

Which is better PMP or Six Sigma? ›

Between the PMP and Six Sigma certifications, one is not better than the other. They just have different focus areas. If you want to be a project manager, you choose PMP. If you want to work in quality assurance or process improvement, go for the Six Sigma certification.

What is Lean methodology used for? ›

In short, Lean methodology is a way of optimizing the people, resources, effort, and energy of your organization toward creating value for the customer. It is based on two guiding tenets, continuous improvement and respect for people.

Why Six Sigma does not work? ›

The most prominent reason organizations do not implement Six Sigma is that they are not aware of its true potential. Many companies think that they have already implemented some form of a quality program, and there is no further room for improvement.

How long is Lean Six Sigma valid? ›

Their certifications are fully accredited by The Council for Six Sigma Certification and never expire.

What are the negative effects of Six Sigma? ›

The Downside of Six Sigma

With time, progressive quality improvement may lead to increased overhead and capital costs due, thus canceling out initial savings made. You should also note that lean manufacturing is not particularly synonymous to Six Sigma.


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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.